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Ukraine's Zelenskiy tells UN Russia must be forced into peace

25/9/2024 7:28
        Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy told the United Nations Security Council on Tuesday that the war between Russia and Ukraine cannot be calmed
        by talks alone, but that Russia must be forced into peace.
        Zelenskiy has sought the support of Western leaders for what he calls a "victory plan" to end the war that began when Russia launched a full-scale invasion of his country in February 2022.
        Zelenskiy said the war would end one day but not because "someone got tired of the war" or through a trade with Russian President Vladimir Putin, a reference to proposals that Ukraine cede some territory seized by Russia to settle the conflict.
        "This war can't be calmed by talks. Action is needed," Zelenskiy said, thanking nations who have provided Ukraine support.


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