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Portugal toughens migration rules after swing to the right

4/6/2024 8:08
        Portugal announced on Monday a new plan that will toughen some immigration rules, following in the footsteps of other EU countries and days before Europeans head to the polls in an election set to tilt the bloc's politics to the right.
        "We need people in Portugal willing to help us build a fairer and more prosperous society," said Portuguese Prime Minister Luis Montenegro. "But we cannot go to the other extreme and have wide-open doors."
        The government will outlaw a widely used mechanism called "manifestation of interest", which for years allowed non-EU migrants without an employment contract to move to Portugal and request residency after paying social security for a year.
        The end of the mechanism, which has already been promulgated by the president, means migrants must have a employment contract before moving to the country. Entry of qualified professionals, students, those from Portuguese-speaking nations and people seeking family reunion will be prioritised.
        The government provided no details on the type of "qualifications" it referred to.


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