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1 killed, 6 injured in Israeli airstrikes on Lebanese villages

17/6/2024 6:12
        A woman was killed, and six other civilians, including children, were injured on Sunday in Israeli airstrikes on Lebanese villages in southern Lebanon, Lebanese medical and military sources told Xinhua. The sources, who spoke anonymously, said that the woman was killed in an airstrike in the village of Kafra in the Bint Jbeil district, while six other civilians were injured in the village of Chaqra in the Nabatieh Governorate. An official medical source in the city of Bint Jbeil told Xinhua that the Lebanese Red Cross and Civil Defense vehicles transported the body of a Lebanese woman and six injured people, including three children, to Bint Jbeil Governmental Hospital. Lebanese military sources said that Israeli drones and warplanes carried out eight raids on five border towns and villages in southern Lebanon on Sunday. They added that Israeli drones also dropped incendiary bombs on the vicinity of four towns and villages in the eastern and central sectors, which led to several fires that devoured l
        arge forest areas before the Civil Defense and the Lebanese Army were able to extinguish them. Tensions along the Lebanon-Israel border escalated on Oct. 8, 2023, following a barrage of rockets launched by the Lebanese armed group Hezbollah toward Israel in solidarity with Hamas' attack on Israel the day before. Israel then retaliated by firing heavy artillery toward southeastern Lebanon.


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