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Slovakia backs Mark Rutte's candidacy for top NATO job

18/6/2024 19:05
        Slovakia supports Mark Rutte's proposed appointment as the next NATO secretary-general, Slovak President Peter Pellegrini said on Tuesday, one of the last
        countries in the alliance to fall in line behind the outgoing Dutch prime minister.
        Slovakia had preferred a "geographically" closer candidate from central and eastern Europe, such as Romanian President Klaus Iohannis who had also sought the job, but now backs Rutte, Pellegrini said after a European Union summit in Brussels.
        "After a final discussion with Mark Rutte and consultation with the Slovak government, Slovakia can imagine Mark Rutte as the NATO chief," and will support him, Pellegrini said at a news briefing broadcast live on television.
        The United States, Britain, France and Germany back Rutte to succeed Jens Stoltenberg, who will step down as NATO's head in October.
        NATO takes decisions by consensus, so any candidate needs the support of all 32 allies. With the nods of Slovakia and Hungary, Rutte now awaits support from just Romania.


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