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UN approves more transparent procedures to get off its sanctions lists

20/7/2024 16:50
        The United Nations Security Council unanimously approved more transparent procedures Friday for the hundreds of individuals, companies and other entities who are subject to U.N. sanctions and want to get off the blacklists.
        The resolution, co-sponsored by Malta and the United States, also authorizes the establishment of a new informal working group by the Security Council to examine ways to improve the effectiveness of U.N. sanctions.
        Malta's U.N. Ambassador Vanessa Frazier told the council before the vote that the resolution is a "clear signal of this council's commitment towards due process."
        It authorizes a new "focal point" to directly engage with those seeking to get off sanctions lists and gather information from a variety of sources to share with the Security Council committee monitoring sanctions, which makes the decisions on delisting, she said. And it requires the reason for the committee's decision to be given to the petitioner.


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