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West African juntas write to UN over Ukraine's alleged rebel support

21/8/2024 17:59
        The juntas of Burkina Faso, Mali and Niger have written to the United Nations Security Council to denounce Ukraine's alleged support of rebel groups in West Africa's Sahel region, a copy of their letter showed.
        Mali cut diplomatic ties with Ukraine at the start of the month over comments by a spokesperson for Ukraine's military intelligence agency about fighting in Mali's north that killed Malian soldiers and Russian Wagner mercenaries in late July.
        The military government of Niger followed suit days later in solidarity with its neighbour.
        The dispute broke out after the Ukrainian military intelligence agency spokesperson said Malian rebels had received "necessary" information to conduct the July attack.
        Tuareg rebels said they killed at least 84 Wagner mercenaries and 47 Malian soldiers over days of fierce fighting, potentially Wagner's heaviest defeat since it stepped in two years ago to help Mali's junta fight insurgent groups.
        Mali and Niger accused Ukraine of supporting "international terrorism".


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