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Tanker reports attack off Yemen's Hodeidah, UK maritime agency says

21/8/2024 18:57
        Oil products tanker Sounion was attacked by two small boats and struck by three projectiles in the Red Sea off Yemen on Wednesday, causing damage to the vessel but no injuries, the Greek shipping ministry and UK maritime agency UKMTO said.
        Iran-aligned Houthi militants have launched a series of attacks on international shipping near Yemen since last November in solidarity with Palestinians in the war between Israel and Hamas.
        The Sounion reported being approached by two small craft with about 15 people on board and said there was a brief exchange of small arms fire during the incident 77 nautical miles (142 km) west of Yemen's port of Hodeidah, the United Kingdom Maritime Trade Operations said.
        Sounion, a Greek-flagged vessel with 25 crew members, lost the ability to manoeuvre as a result of the attack, UKMTO added, and the Greek shipping ministry said in a statement the vessel had been damaged.


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