9月20日 (星期五)29°C 84

Many areas in Hong Kong recorded more than 20 millimeters of rainfall yesterday

9/9/2024 5:56
        High-altitude disturbances brought showers and thunderstorms to the coast of Guangdong and the northeastern part of the South China Sea yesterday.
        It was generally cloudy in Hong Kong yesterday, with occasional showers and thunderstorms. Initially, the rain was heavy in some areas, with more than 20 mm of rainfall recorded in many areas. It is expected that high-altitude disturbances will continue to bring showers and thunderstorms to the coast of Guangdong today. As the The high-altitude disturbance is far away and affected by a continental airflow. The sky will be clear in South China in the middle of this week, and the high temperature will also trigger showers.
        In addition, Typhoon Yagi moved into the interior of northern Vietnam yesterday and gradually weakened into a low pressure area.


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