9月23日 (星期一)27°C 94

Netanyahu examining siege plan for Hamas in north Gaza

23/9/2024 11:30
        Israel is examining a plan to use siege tactics against Hamas in northern Gaza, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was quoted by several Israeli media outlets as saying on Sunday.
        Netanyahu's office did not respond to a request for comment. The reports cited unnamed sources at a closed parliament committee meeting.
        The plan, published by retired military commanders and floated by some parliament members this month, suggests Palestinian civilians would be instructed to evacuate northern Gaza, which would then be declared a closed military zone.
        An estimated 5,000 Hamas militants remaining there would then be put under siege until they surrender. Army Radio reported that Netanyahu told lawmakers at parliament's Foreign Affairs and Defence Committee that it was being examined.
        Public broadcaster Kan quoted Netanyahu as saying that the blueprint "makes sense" and that "it is one of the plans being considered but there are others as well."
        Israel has faced fierce international criticism for the humanitarian crisis brought on by its nearly one-year offensive against the Hamas militant group in Gaza.


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