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Kenyan school blaze victims mourned at mass funeral

26/9/2024 19:09
        Thousands of mourners stood before rows of small white coffins on Thursday at a memorial service for 21 children who died in a boarding school fire in central Kenya earlier this month.
        The coffins were topped with bouquets of flowers and photographs of the young boys from Hillside Endarasha Academy in Nyeri town, most between nine and 13, trapped in their dormitory.
        "To come to Nyeri and see all these coffins, this is one of the greatest national tragedies that we've had in our country," said Eugene Wamalwa, an opposition lawmaker.
        According to most recent data in a parliamentary report, Kenya has a sad history of school fires. There were more than 60 cases of arson in public secondary schools in 2018.
        It is not yet known what caused the fire at Hillside Endarasha Academy, but researchers say many similar fires have been set by students protesting harsh discipline and poor conditions.


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