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Kyiv says Russian attacks on medical centre in Ukraine's Sumy kill 8, injure 11

28/9/2024 17:58
        Russian forces hit a medical center in Sumy in northeastern Ukraine on Saturday morning then struck again as the building was being evacuated, killing a total of eight people, Ukrainian officials said.
        Ukrainian prosecutors said that at the time of the attacks, 86 patients and 38 staff members were in the hospital.
        "The first attack killed one person and damaged the ceilings of several floors of the hospital," Interior Minister Ihor Klymenko said on Telegram.
        As people were being evacuated, the Russians struck again, killing a further five people, he said.
        Ukraine's President Volodymyr Zelenskiy later said eight people were killed and 11 injured.
        "Everyone in the world who talks about this war should pay attention to where Russia is hitting. They are fighting hospitals, civilian objects, and people's lives," Zelenskiy said on Telegram.


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