2月5日 (星期三)16°C 59

Burkina Faso expels three French diplomats for 'subversive activities'

18/4/2024 17:54
        Burkina Faso's military government has expelled three French diplomats for alleged subversive activities, the foreign ministry said in a letter.
        According to the letter dated April 16, which was addressed to the French embassy, the three diplomats, two of whom were listed as political advisers, were declared persona non grata and given 48 hours to leave the country.
        It did not elaborate on what they were accused of.
        The West African country is run by a military junta that seized power in a coup in 2022, leading to a breakdown in relations with its former colonial ruler France.
        Ouagadougou has since kicked out French troops, pushed France to recall its ambassador, and suspended some French media.


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