6月26日 (星期三)31°C 79

Indonesia's Ibu volcano erupts twice, spewing red-hot lava

6/6/2024 11:17
        Indonesia's Mount Ibu volcano erupted again on Thursday, firing red bright lava and rocks into the night sky and triggering a spectacular display of volcanic lightning, the country's volcanology agency PVMBG said.
        An official from the country's volcanology agency PVMBG said, the 1,325 metre-high volcano on the eastern island of Halmahera erupted twice on Thursday.
        PVMBG footage showed, the first eruption was at 1:30 a.m. local time, spewing incandescent lava and rocks as lightning flashes lit up its crater.
        The second eruption was at 7:46 a.m local time for two minutes, shooting volcanic ash as high as 1,200m (4,000 feet). Clouds of grey ash billowed into the sky from the crater, images from PVMBG showed.
        The official said, "The alert status of the volcano is still level four or the highest."
        The agency banned any activities within 7 km (4 miles) of the crater.
        Thursday's volcanic activity was the latest in a series of eruption since May. Ibu volcano also erupted on Tuesday, spewing 5 km columns of grey ash into the sky.


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