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South Korean authorities order battery maker to halt operations

26/6/2024 13:05
        South Korean authorities on Wednesday ordered a lithium battery maker to halt factory operations indefinitely after a fire killed 23 people and said three company officials were under investigation on suspicion of having violated industrial safety laws.
        The fire at unlisted battery maker Aricell on Monday was one of the deadliest industrial accidents in recent years. Each year dozens of workers in South Korea lose their lives on the job despite tougher laws and other efforts to improve safety.
        Labour ministry official Min Gil-soo told a briefing, the company, located in Hwaseong, an industrial hub southwest of Seoul, was ordered to shut down its only factory for inspections.
        The names and titles of the Aricell officials under investigation were not disclosed. Violations of the 2022 industrial safety code can result in jail terms for fatal accidents.
        Aricell Chief Executive Park Soon-kwan apologised on Tuesday for the fire but said the company had complied with all safety regulations and training requirements.


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